It was another year of exceptional growth for DD’14 in Manchester last week !
More tracks ( 9 ), more speakers ( 103 ), more companies participating ( 102 ), more posters ( 170 ) and delegate numbers up 18.5% over last year ( 1346 ), – making this yet again the biggest and best DD ever !
At the core of the meeting was our outstanding scientific programme !
The sessions were overflowing with delegates who’d come from miles around to listen to our huge selection of world-class speakers,
– well over 500 were in the room for the Plenary Keynote by Susan Galbraith of AstraZeneca.
18 companies in our Innovation Zone showed that there is a groundswell of new innovation and business confidence. Several of them were even brave enough to step into our “Dragon’s Den” !
Fantastic feedback and enthusiasm from delegates, exhibitors, speakers, and everyone who participated,
… we all had a really great event !
Photos and a selection of the presentations are now available for download : look in our ‘Previous Events & Downloads’ section.
ELRIG-DD is continuing to deliver exactly what we need: at the heart of the community, delivering exemplary science, innovative tools and solutions, and a collaborative networking environment to help drive our community forward.
– a HUGE Thank You to all those who participated and helped make it possible.
Please put Sept 2nd+3rd 2015 in your diary for Drug Discovery’15 in Telford.