Scientific Directors DD16

DD 16 Scientific Directors (L-R) Chas Bountra, Rachel Grimley and Del Trezise.

ELRIG (European Laboratory Research & Innovation Group) announced today that two new Scientific Advisors have joined the committee to help organize the UK’s largest and most successful Drug Discovery conference, which will take place at ACC, Liverpool on 13th and 14th of October 2016.

“This is a very special year in that we are celebrating our 10 year anniversary of successfully running this meeting,” said Sanj Kumar, Chairman, ELRIG. “To ensure we continue to provide cutting edge scientific content to our 7,000 strong community, we are honored to welcome two new members to the Scientific Committee: Dr Chas Bountra, Professor of Translational Medicine, University of Oxford and Head of the Structural Genomic Consortium in Oxford, and Rachel Grimley, Director of Screening Sciences at AstraZeneca.”

Dr Del Trezise, Director and European Site Head, Essen Bioscience, and leader of the scientific committee, commented: “I am delighted to be working with both Rachel and Chas. They both bring a wealth of experience and contacts within the academic and drug discovery community which will ensure that we provide the best scientific content we can across the most cutting edge areas of early drug discovery.”

To read the full press release, click here
