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ELRIG Launches the Breakthrough Zone at Research & Innovation 2024

At ELRIG, we are always looking for ways to support the life sciences community. We recognise the vital role that young companies play in driving innovation so to support and amplify their contributions we’re delighted to announce the ELRIG Breakthrough Zone at the upcoming Research & Innovation Conference 2024.

Scheduled for 20 -21 March, ELRIG’s Research & Innovation Conference will bring together diverse sectors of the life science industry. This two-day conference serves as a dynamic platform for collaboration, knowledge exchange, and the exploration of cutting-edge advancements. This is the perfect opportunity for young companies to present their technology and chat with prospective collaborators and customers.

In this zone, each company will be provided with an A0 board space, a tabletop for literature, a dedicated space for demonstration samples or equipment and an adjacent area for conversations. Finances can be tight for young companies, so we are offering this at just £500.

We’re also offering our Breakthrough participants a chance to win a 10-minute presentation in the main auditorium at Research and Innovation 2024. Just fill out our application form and tell us about your innovation in 300 words by Friday 1st March.

Join us at the Research & Innovation Conference 2024 and celebrate the latest technology, research, and emerging discoveries in the Drug Discovery industry.[/vc_column_text][us_btn label=”Register for Research & Innovation Conference 2024 as a delegate.” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Felrig.org%2Fportfolio%2Fresearch-innovation-2024-exhibitor-information%2F|title:Research%20%26%20Innovation%202024″][us_btn label=”Find out more about sponsoring this event.” link=”url:mailto%3A%20sales%40elrig.org|title:Research%20%26%20Innovation%202024″][ultimate_spacer height=”60″ height_on_mob_landscape=”20″ height_on_mob=”10″][vc_column_text]

Innovation Competition

Please complete the application form and submit an abstract describing your innovation in 300 words. Submissions should be received by Friday 1st March for consideration.

The winner will be informed by Friday 8th March, to provide time to prepare and submit a 10-minute presentation which will be given in the auditorium on 21 March after the keynote speaker.

The winning company will also have its participation fee refunded.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible to participate in the Breakthrough Zone and enter the innovation competition, we expect that your company should have less than 25 full-time employees and/or have a turnover of less than £2.5M. However, we welcome all applications, so please contact us.


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