The ELRIG Theatre at Lab Innovations

The ELRIG Theatre at Lab Innovations

NEC Birmingham, 4th – 5th Nov 2015

For the first time this year, ELRIG hosted a “Pop-Up” theatre at the Lab Innovations show.

Our aim was to provide a taste of the unique content that ELRIG exists to promote in the world of Drug Discovery :
• Research topics and techniques
• Shared experience
• Technology
• Innovation

We had a great 2-day line-up of 9 speakers, chaired by Mark Wrigglesworth from AstraZeneca, who gave us some fantastic insight into these areas.
Lab Innovations provides a broader scientific audience that a traditional ELRIG event, and this overview was well received by scientists and researchers to whom much of this was new.

Alongside our poster area featured a selection of prize-winning posters highlighting the quality of grass-roots research going on today. Browsing the posters electronically at the ELRIG booth also proved to be popular.

Thank you to the Lab Innovations organisers for inviting us along, and thank you also to all who volunteered their time to present.

Put Lab Innovations 2016 in your diaries, and come see us.
