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The Society for Medicines Research and the British Pharmacological Society are pleased to announce their first joint meeting, specifically targeted towards young researchers from across the UK and Europe with an interest in drug discovery. The meeting is particularly targeted at final year undergraduate, PhD and postdoctoral researchers working in all areas of chemistry, chemical biology, biology and genetics relevant to drug discovery and early career scientists working in the biotech and pharmaceutical industry.

The one-day programme will bring together internationally-recognised speakers and will also provide an opportunity for young scientists to present their research through oral and poster presentations.

A key aspect of working in drug discovery is the interaction with scientists from other disciplines and to understand the challenges that each discipline faces. This meeting will therefore provide a unique opportunity for young researchers to share their experience and to network with scientists from a wide range of disciplines and experience working in drug discovery.

The preliminary programme is now available and a call for speakers and poster presenters to complete the programme will shortly be announced with a final programme appearing during the summer. Prizes will be awarded for the best talk and the best poster by a young scientist. If you are interested in presenting your research either as a poster or as a presentation please do contact the organisers.

To find out more about this meeting or register click here
