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ELRIG UK Appoints new Vendor Strategy Work Group Lead

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ELRIG UK Appoints Nick Clare to Board as Vendor Strategy Work Group Lead

Cambridge, UK, 11 May 2023: The European Laboratory Research & Innovation Group (ELRIG) UK today announced the appointment of Nick Clare to the ELRIG board. He will chair and lead the Vendor Strategy Work Group to help ensure the vendors’ perspectives and interests are represented within the ELRIG board.

ELRIG aims to bring the life science and drug discovery communities accessible, high-quality scientific content and events with the support of its vendors. The board is comprised of a diverse group of individuals, representing all facets of the ELRIG community, as well as having the skills and experience needed to manage a learned society. This includes commercial representation within its governance structure to ensure its strategy is aligned with the needs of the vendor community.

Nick has two decades of industrial life science experience across a variety of scientific and commercial roles in large pharma and startups. He is currently Regional Sales Manager (Head of Europe) at Synthego and in recent years, he has supported scientists in selecting tools and workflows in stem cells and CRISPR applications to help drive the discovery of new treatments. Nick was elected to sit on the General Committee of ELRIG in 2021 to support the organisation’s Networking Work Group. Prior to this, Nick worked as a scientist and lab head in R&D, leading projects to establish cell/genetic models for drug discovery and disease modelling.

Nick Clare, Vendor Strategy Work Group Leader at ELRIG UK and Regional Sales Manager at Synthego said: “I appreciate the quality of science available through ELRIG; it is free to access and enables us all to grow together. I want to bring a stronger voice on behalf of the vendor by helping them to provide their expertise and share different ways of thinking about science, while continuing to support ELRIG’s events. The more we collaborate with the vendors, the more we can enable the drug discovery community to progress therapeutic candidates through to the clinic.”

Melanie Leveridge, Chair of ELRIG UK, and Head of Screening, Profiling and Mechanistic Biology, and Global Compound Management at GSK, said: “Nick’s experience, both in his day job at Synthego and from his involvement with our Networking Work Group, make him an excellent candidate to take on this role. With his help, we aim to better align ELRIG’s strategy with the needs of the vendor community, and ensure our scientific programme is well-connected with the exhibitors at our events.”

For more information about the ELRIG Board please click here[/vc_column_text][us_separator][/vc_column][vc_column][ultimate_spacer height=”50″][/vc_column][/vc_row]