The 8th biennial High Content Imaging and Flow Cytometry in Drug Discovery 2023 (formerly Pharmaceutical Flow Cytometry and Imaging) will be held at GSK Medicines Research Centre, Stevenage. Flow cytometry and imaging are two powerful technology platforms that enable high-content analysis of complex cell systems and are proving invaluable in drug discovery and clinical evaluations. Since our first meeting in 2008, we have seen the technology develop and the applications widen across many areas of industrial and academic drug discovery and development. Today we are starting to see the use of sophisticated machine learning and AI techniques beginning to take full advantage of data produced by these powerful microscopic technologies.
- Translational Flow Cytometry and Imaging in Drug Discovery and Development
- Application of technology in biological models from the microscale and single cell through to complex in-vitro tissue systems and the clinic
- Novel and Emerging Technologies
- Next generation instrumentation, and probe and sensor technology for pharmaceutical research
- Drug discovery in the era of Multi-omics and spatial cytometry
- Exploration of the latest multi-parameter techniques and the analytical challenges of using multi-omics approaches to link the genome and proteome to cellular regulation and function